I’m Verin (pseudonym taken from Rinkworks’ Name Generator). Nice to meet you!
I am a hobbyist who yearns for the good ol’ days of the 2000s Web. I learned CSS and HTML by trying to make my Friendster page really cool-looking; then I graduated to theming my LiveJournal and GaiaOnline. Then I got a job and forgot about this hobby.
One day I realized my HP netbook was running slowly, and I decided to dual boot it with Lubuntu. It was quite the task, since the last time I handled a Linux machine was as a student using my university’s PCs running Mandriva back in the day. I didn’t even have another PC or laptop, but I managed just the same. It snowballed from there. And now I am here trying to learn how to make my own site again.
I have a VPS running some services for the giggles. I got a shared hosting for this site so I don’t have to deal with the hassle of administering my server for a simple blog. Though I know I could do that on the VPS (and I had, until my commitment expired lol), a shared hosting is still a different experience. Maybe I only need to blog and not LARP as a server admin, I don’t know. We’ll see.
Off the Internet I am a higher education instructor in a STEM field (the first letter), a hobbyist gardener, a video gamer, and an erstwhile reader and genre fiction writer. I can be reached through verin@ the site domain.